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Introducing Simply Red, our signature bouquet featuring the finest quality red roses. Each stem is meticulously selected to ensure unparalleled beauty and vibrancy, making it the perfect expression of love and passion.


Available in various stem counts, Simply Red can be tailored to suit any occasion and preference. Whether you're celebrating a special milestone or simply showing someone you care, this bouquet is sure to make a statement.


Elevate your gifting experience with our Exquisite Red Rose Bouquet and let the timeless beauty of red roses convey your deepest emotions in the most exquisite manner.

Simply Red Bouquet

PriceFrom £35.00
  • Subject to stock and avalibility 

  • The number of roses in our bouquet can be customized to suit your preferences. For personalized arrangements, kindly contact our shop directly to discuss your customization options with our experienced team.

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