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Brighten up any space with our "Here Comes the Sun" bouquet, a radiant assembly of cheerful yellow hues. This vibrant arrangement features majestic and bold sunflowers, capturing the essence of a warm summer day. Yellow roses, symbolizing friendship and joy, add a touch of elegance and a soft fragrance. Peach gerbera daisies enhance the bouquet's sunny disposition with their delicate peach tones, providing a gentle contrast.


Perfect for celebrating special occasions, expressing gratitude, or simply bringing a smile to someone's face, the "Here Comes the Sun" bouquet is a delightful burst of sunshine delivered right to your door. Let the warmth and happiness of this beautiful arrangement brighten your day and those of your loved ones.

Here Comes The Sun Bouquet

PriceFrom £30.00
  • Please note that due to variations in stock availability and access to wholesalers, the appearance of bouquets may slightly vary from the original design. However, rest assured that every effort will be made to maintain the integrity and essence of the intended arrangement.

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